
My name is Hannah Wischnia and I'm a non-profit professional turned software engineer

Explore my work below!

My software engineering journey

After graduating from Northwestern University, I was hired at Open Door Legal, a rapidly growing Bay Area non-profit. While there, I raised over $1.5 million through web development, design, and marketing.

Last summer, I was tasked with rebuilding our website, an entirely new endeavor for me. I loved the process, and when I finished, I began to spend my nights and weekends working through the Free Code Camp Javascript and Responsive Web Development certificates. The more I learned about web development, the more I realized this was the career path for me.

In February, I quit my job and enrolled in Grace Hopper, which is a competitive full-stack software engineering training program for women and non-binary developers.

Since then, I have built three full-stack applications as well as multiple side projects, including this portfolio!



Project Descriptions

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Meedle is a live location sharing application that helps friends find an optimal place to meet in the middle. It keeps track of users’ real time geolocations, and uses the Google Maps API to generate a meeting place that will equalize travel time for all users.

Meedle was built with React, Redux, Node.Js, Express, Socket.io, Turf.js, Nodemailer, PostgreSQL, and Sequelize. Building this application, we learned how to track users’ geolocation, implement API security, and manage multi-user live data sharing.

Spell With A Friend

Spell with a Friend is an application that scrapes live data from NYTimes Games to allow users to play a multiplayer version of the Spelling Bee. Users can submit words, see other players’ words, chat with friends, and save game data to come back and play later. Games are inactivated at 3 am when the NYTimes Spelling Bee letters reset.

Spell with a Friend is deployed on an AWS EC2 and was built with Puppeteer, Socket.io, React, Redux, Node.Js, Express, PostgreSQL, and Sequelize.

Say hi!

If you would like to connect, please reach out via LinkedIn or send me an email at the address below!